Wednesday, December 5, 2012

December is a time of Stress and Anx

As we race around grabbing that last minute present, last minute food ideas and last minute call offs at work, we find ourselves tired and cranky. Take a moment to relax, count your blessings and make another list for tomorrows work load.

Want a nights rest try this evening massage, to ease tension, clear your jhead and calm your soul as you lay back and welcome dreams.

Evening massage blend
Chamomile 10 drops
Marjoram 10 drops
Clary Sage 4 drops
Coriander 4 drops
Cypress 4 drops
Ylang Ylang 4 drops

Add to 2 oz. carrier oil. Massage as needed

Take a moment to remember the woodland creatures and birds near your home. Remember food supplies are short during the winter so create a little something for them also.

Bird/Squirrel food block

I usually combine the list below to a damp blend them put them smashed down tightly to condense into a sandwitch tupper ware container. they fit the block feeders perfectially.

Oat meal
seeds and nuts
peanut butter
bacon grease

Mix together making a packable mix put in a samdwitch plastic container and freeze. To use simply take out of container and pop into a  block feeder.

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