Monday, December 3, 2012

Basic bath melts, salts, and oil

Bath melts are the latest craze. They literally melt in the warm water of the bath, leaving you with a moisturizing bath soak.

This recipe is for a basic bath melt. You can add different scents, essential oils and color to create new recipes.

8 oz (225g) Cocoa butter
1 1/2 cups Baking soda
1/3 cup Corn starch
1 cup Citric acid

Melt the cocoa butter down in a double boiler. Take it off the heat and stir in the remaining ingredients. Work quickly to mix through the dry ingredients. Add any essential or fragrant oils at this time.

Place into mini soap molds, Ice cube trays or small candy cups and allow to set. They should take 2-3 hours or longer to harden depending on your room's environment.

When ready they should simply slip out of the mold.

These melts should not need refrigeration but do store them in a cool area.

Manly bath salts

Make these great-smelling gifts for your favorite man and give your own sweet self a second-hand gift.

If you envision a relaxing interlude for your guy or a romantic tub for the two of you, plan ahead — this stuff won’t be ready for two weeks

4 cups Epsom salts
• 2 cups sea salt
• 16 drops  Sandlewood or Pine essential oils
• 2 one gallon zipper freezer bags

Add 2 cups Epsom salts and 1 cup sea salt to each bag, seal and shake to mix. Add eight drops of essential oil mix to each bag, seal and use your hands to mix well, then shake for 5 seconds to mix further. Let the salts ripen for 2 weeks, shaking to mix once a day. Transfer to glass or plastic jars with lids. Use 1/4 cup per tubful of warm water.

Basic body oil

Grape seed oil has a light texture. If used sparingly, it will not leave
sticky traces on clothes.. The wheat germ oil is rich in vitamin E and is a
natural anti-oxidant, therefore it prevents spoilage by rancidity. They are
considered "blending oils," so they have no magickal properties listed
Magickal Ingredients Include:


LAVENDAR ESSENTIAL OILMercuryAirLove, Protection, Purification, Peace
SANDALWOOD ESSENTIAL OILMoonWaterProtect ion, Love, Peace, Healing

Celebration or Ritual Use : Spring rituals for love, anniversaries. Any
ritual for protection or healing

4 Fluid Ounces Grape Seed Oil
1 Teaspoon Wheat Germ Oil
10 Drops Lavender or Sandalwood Essential Oil

Mix the oils together and store in a jar with a screw top. Shake before use.

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